
Capricorn Moon: The REAL Meaning of Responsibil...

Capricorn Moon: The REAL Meaning of Responsibility: Astro Vibe for February 7 Today the Moon 🌖 is in Capricorn ♑, bringing a focus to...responsibility.But what does Responsibility really mean? 🤔In...

Capricorn Moon: The REAL Meaning of Responsibil...

Capricorn Moon: The REAL Meaning of Responsibility: Astro Vibe for February 7 Today the Moon 🌖 is in Capricorn ♑, bringing a focus to...responsibility.But what does Responsibility really mean? 🤔In...

What the February 9 New Moon and the Planets Te...

What the February 9 New Moon and the Planets Tell Us About the Future: Astro Vibe for February 4 Today the Moon 🌖 goes into Sagittarius ♐,giving us a bird's...

What the February 9 New Moon and the Planets Te...

What the February 9 New Moon and the Planets Tell Us About the Future: Astro Vibe for February 4 Today the Moon 🌖 goes into Sagittarius ♐,giving us a bird's...

The Best Self-Care for a Scorpio Moon: Astro Vi...

Today the Moon 🌖 is in truth-revealing Scorpio. ♏If you find yourself feeling sensitive, 🥺here are three self-care ideas that could be helpful:✨ take sacred time for yourself 🦋✨ find...

The Best Self-Care for a Scorpio Moon: Astro Vi...

Today the Moon 🌖 is in truth-revealing Scorpio. ♏If you find yourself feeling sensitive, 🥺here are three self-care ideas that could be helpful:✨ take sacred time for yourself 🦋✨ find...

Why Our Baseline is Changing - Leo Moon, Uranus...

Today the Moon 🌖 is in Leo ♌, shining a light on...creativity and self-expression. 💃🏽With Uranus stationing direct today, ↪️there is a sense of instability and change. ⚡If you are...

Why Our Baseline is Changing - Leo Moon, Uranus...

Today the Moon 🌖 is in Leo ♌, shining a light on...creativity and self-expression. 💃🏽With Uranus stationing direct today, ↪️there is a sense of instability and change. ⚡If you are...

Three Questions to Help You Align with your Fut...

Three Questions to Help You Align with your Future Self: Astro Vibe for January 17 Today's Aries ♈ Moon 🌒 can incline us toward impulsive action.But how can you make...

Three Questions to Help You Align with your Fut...

Three Questions to Help You Align with your Future Self: Astro Vibe for January 17 Today's Aries ♈ Moon 🌒 can incline us toward impulsive action.But how can you make...

The Best Self-Care for an Aries Moon: Astro Vib...

The Best Self-Care for an Aries Moon: Astro Vibe for January 16 Today the Moon 🌒 is in Aries ♈, bringing REBIRTH. 🌱Here are some self-care ideas for this firey...

The Best Self-Care for an Aries Moon: Astro Vib...

The Best Self-Care for an Aries Moon: Astro Vibe for January 16 Today the Moon 🌒 is in Aries ♈, bringing REBIRTH. 🌱Here are some self-care ideas for this firey...