The 2024 Jupiter Uranus Conjunction EXPLAINED with Marina and Guest Astrologer Camille Michelle Gray

The 2024 Jupiter Uranus Conjunction EXPLAINED with Marina and Guest Astrologer Camille Michelle Gray

Outer planets Jupiter and Uranus come together this month to begin a new 14-year cycle. 💫

(Watch the video now)

Taurus brings themes of:

✨ grounding and connecting to the earth
✨ enjoyment
✨ pleasure

It also refers to what is stable and reliable:
✨ the cycles and rhythms of nature
✨ our bodies
✨ the reality we depend on.

Uranus in Taurus has been bringing shakeup to our stability since 2018-19, bringing themes of change and finding a new normal.

This week, Jupiter joins Uranus in Taurus bringing expansion...
to the themes of change and
makes things explode in unexpected ways, 💥
as well as bringing change to our beliefs and concept of self. 💖
The Jupiter Uranus conjunction is exact at 21 degrees Taurus on April 20th, 2024.

Join us in this insightful conversation where we unpack the meaning of this conjunction...
as well as the best self-care tips... 📝
for getting through this time of shake-up ⚡ that brings
new perspectives 🧐
to old places of comfort and stability. 🛋️

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