Sagittarius New Moon: New Possibilities for Hope and Light in the World // Astro Vibe for Sat Nov 30

Sagittarius New Moon: New Possibilities for Hope and Light in the World // Astro Vibe for Sat Nov 30

Tonight is the New Moon in Sagittarius, where we...
✨choose ✨
the story we want to see take root and grow. 🌱
Will it be ➡️
a story of hope and healing? 💖
Or a story of fears and limitations? 👀
Where can you find the sparks of:
✨ light 🌠
✨ hope 🙏🏽
✨ joy 🎶
in your life,
and feed them 🌼
so they grow and expand 💗
shining light on 🔦
all we are capable of becoming. 🌌
More in this video!

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