Hurricane Helene & a World in Crisis: Insights from the Outer Planets // Astro Vibe for Sun Oct 6
Outer planets Pluto, Neptune, Uranus 🌠
tell a bigger story of our human experience. 📜
A devastating hurricane reminds us 🌀
that the reality of our human journey is sometimes unimaginable. 😿
In this video I share my thoughts
on how we can view this time ⌚
from the bigger picture story 📖
of who we are and what we are becoming. 🐣
We are completing some lessons:
✨ Pluto in Capricorn - bringing what has been in the shadows to light regarding systems, infrastructure, and ways of operating 🏗️
✨ Neptune in Pisces - dissolving and obscuring the normal ways we orient ourselves, inviting us to remember what is truly important 🌫️
✨ Uranus in Taurus - bringing shakeup and change to what we normally depend on, inviting us to create new habits and routines ⚡
Even though we are moving through a time of instability,
there is a bigger picture of truth 💫
inviting us to remember who we are
and what is most important. 💖
Details in this video...
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