How Mercury Opposing Jupiter Influences the Sagittarius New Moon // Astro Vibe for Sun Dec 1

How Mercury Opposing Jupiter Influences the Sagittarius New Moon // Astro Vibe for Sun Dec 1

The November 30/December 1 New Moon in Sagittarius
takes place...
with Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius, ↩️
opposing Jupiter in Gemini. 👀
Mercury and Jupiter are in mutual reception which just means
they are each in each other's realm. 👑
Learn more about how these energies influence one another 🫱🏼‍🫲🏽
and how to think about the ways you:
✨ find meaning 🙏🏽
✨ understand what is happening around you 💫
✨ form your beliefs 📜
More in this video!

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