A Week of Activation: Sextiles, Oppositions, & a Scorpio New Moon // Astro Vibe for Sun Oct 27

A Week of Activation: Sextiles, Oppositions, & a Scorpio New Moon // Astro Vibe for Sun Oct 27

Gain some perspective on the upcoming Scorpio ♏ New Moon 🌑. 👀
THIS WEEK brings:

  1. Several sextiles that put wind in the sails of what you want to manifest ⛵
  2. Oppositions that pit one path against another ⚔️
  3. A transformational New Moon in Scorpio on November 1 ☠️

Watch this video for perspective on...
the best ways to think about self-care for the:
✨ November 1 Scorpio New Moon
➡️ intensity and transformation 🦋
✨ opposition between Mars and Pluto
➡️ the need to find your backbone and act (not react) 💪🏽
✨ opposition between Mercury and Uranus
➡️ the need to embody and communicate higher ideas 📜
✨ opposition between Venus and Jupiter
➡️ the need to connect with and articulate your values💖
✨ sextiles and trines between Mercury, Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, and Mars
➡️ creative possibilities and a need to be clear about what you want 🌱
Details in this video...

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